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Ningbo Yes Translation Company is a leading specialist in the provision of translating and interpreting service. We were established in 2004 and have continually evolved with an ever increasing client base across a wide spectrum of various sectors. To date, Yes has become the first choice on TMALL platform and its translating and interpreting services are the largest. Our reputation is built on the range of expertise offered by our staff through the scope of their practical experience. We cover a wide range of sectors, but we are especially good at expert at providing English-Chinese, Japanese-Chinese, Chinese-English translating service, etc. The open and supportive nature of our working style and consistent service delivery has led to long term contracts, cost effective solutions and the ability to meet our clients’ every demand – no matter how challenging. Whether you are a small to medium sized organization looking for a one-off or regular translation service we have the systems, expertise and resources to cater for your needs most of the time.

子长县| 大连市| 永泰县| 务川| 林西县| 买车| 深水埗区| 鸡西市| 汕头市| 金阳县| 北辰区| 铅山县| 桐梓县| 大田县| 桃江县| 布尔津县| 新竹县| 股票| 集贤县| 成安县| 海宁市| 皋兰县| 英山县| 龙胜| 临安市| 正宁县| 晋州市| 池州市| 攀枝花市| 长武县| 大港区| 阿城市| 固安县| 靖安县| 保德县| 合阳县| 确山县| 东辽县| 唐山市| 连城县| 青铜峡市|